Friday, 23 September 2011

Mini Victoria Sandwich

Sometimes, the simplest recipes are the most comforting. At least that's the case with Victoria Sandwiches. For those who don't know, Victoria Sandwiches (VS) are 2 simple buttery sponges sandwiched together with strawberry jam and covered with icing sugar.
For the longest time, I've wanted to try making a VS with whipped cream in the center too. And then I thought of the idea of a mini VS! I dreamt of and pictured them delicately placed on doilies and served at a tea party or maybe a dessert buffet.

Last night, I set my heart it to (and used up the left over cream in the fridge) and made the little sweeties. (:

Do forgive my really poor photography. I'd much rather have taken the photos in daylight and but the sun just wouldn't show at 9pm. ho-hum.


  1. 4oz caster sugar

  2. 4oz self-raising flour

  3. 2 eggs

  4. 100g butter/margarine

  5. Strawberry jam to spread

  6. Full cream to sandwich

  7. Icing sugar to sprinkle

  8. Strawberries to top


  1. Cream butter and sugar together until fluffy.

  2. Add eggs to mixture and beat until well incorporated.

  3. Add 1/2 of the flour in and mix well before folding in the rest of the flour.

  4. Grease 24 cupcake holders and heat oven to 170 degrees C.

  5. Equally divide mixture between all 24 cups and bake until a skewer inserted comes out clean.

  6. Leave cakes to cool for about 5 minutes before removing from cups.

  7. Whip cream til stiff and spread-able.

  8. Chill whipped cream for about 30 minutes.

  9. Wash and cut strawberries in half.

  10. Dry the strawberries by placing the cut halves on kitchen towels. This will prevent them from staining your icing sugar later on.

  11. Spread jam on all the bottom sides of the cakes.

  12. Spoon about a teaspoon of whipped cream onto 1/2 the number of cakes.

  13. Place the cakes without whipped cream jam-face down on the cream creating a sandwich.

  14. Firmly press down on the top cake until the cream has spread out evenly.

  15. Sieve icing sugar on the tops of all cakes and top with the strawberries.

  16. Chill and serve within 4 hours.

ps. if you plan to serve them the next day or much later, then save steps 15 & 16 til just before you serve.

God bless,


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